South African Brawl November 2018 Tour

We are excited to announce that we shall be taking a team of Brawl over to South Africa in the beginning of November 2018.
What a opportunity of a life time! It is not only for fighter, its open to anyone to come along, to experience the two worlds. Africa and Hard Real core reality training among the the best trainers and fighters in the world, in the African Bush.
What will be training in?
Shootboxing (Kick Boxing, Boxing, Judo
JKA Karate
Muay Thai
Knife Defense
Strength Training
When to peak in Training and Performance
Tactical Weapons
Charlie Palos
World Ranked Shoot Boxer and South African National Judo Champion
Alfred Stevensen
Spingbok Judoka, S.A Olympic Judo Coach, 8th Dan in Judo
Brian Mitchell
Professional Boxer 45-1-3
12 Times World Champion
Justin Heath
Captain in South African Defence Force
Range Commander
Arms and Pyrotechnics Instructor
James Vermaak
South African Regional Director and Chief instructor for Sansei Goju-Ryu South Africa
World Karate Organization Regional Head: Free State and Northern South Africa – 5th Dan
Shihan under South African President – Kancho Ediie Cave – 9th Dan and Dr Ennio Falsoni – World President – USA
World Sansei International Kick Boxing Association – Shihan 6th Dan
World All Styles Kick Boxing Organization – Shihan – 5th Dan under Kancho Eddie Cave
And a few more as Surprise Guests
This is a trip of a lifetime, dont miss it.
Contact me for more detail
Clinton 0437406201 or